Areas Tutorial

Areas information

  1. Get information about the areas mod configuration
    • /areas_info (no params accepted)

Protect an area

  1. Specify the corner positions of the area you would like to protect
    • /area_pos1 and /area_pos2 set the two corner positions to your current positions.

    • /area_pos set punch the two corner positions to set them.
  2. Protect the selected area
    • /protect <Areaname>

The area name is used only for informational purposes and has no functional importance.

Add an owner to your area

  1. Select the area to which you want to add an owner
    • /select_area <ID> ID is the number you can see at the bottom left in square brackets ([]).
  2. Create a new area with new owner
    • /add_owner <ID> <Name> <Areaname> Use for ID the same as in 1., Name is the player you want to give owner rights, choose for Areaname a name you want.

Open an area temporary

  1. Open a specified area for all players
    • /area_open <ID> ID is the number you can see at the bottom left in square brackets ([]).

Change the owner of an area

  1. Change the owner of an specified area
    • /change_owner <ID> <Name> Gives Name control over the specified area.

List areas

  1. List all areas you own
    • /list_areas (no params accepted)

Change the size of an area (staff only)

  1. Set new positions
    • See Protect an area -> 1.
  2. Change the size
    • /move_area <ID> ID is the number you can see at the bottom left in square brackets ([]).

Remove an area/areas

  1. Remove an area
    • /remove_area <ID> ID is the number you can see at the bottom left in square brackets ([]).
  2. Removes an areas and all sub-areas of it
    • /recursive_remove_areas <ID> ID is the number you can see at the bottom left in square brackets ([]).

Rename an area

  1. Rename a specified area
    • /rename_area <ID> <Areaname> ID is the number you can see at the bottom left in square brackets ([]), choose for Areaname a name you want.